Weather information for the Laughlin area is provided below. Average temperatures, climate details and current forecasts are included!
Laughlin is sunny, averaging over 300 days of sunshine a year. Fall, winter, and spring are warm and pleasant. Summer temperatures can be remarkably hot, so most visitors retreat the air conditioned hotels and casinos until sunset. As with most desert climates, there can be big differences between the day's high temperature and the night's low temperature, so dress in layers during your visit.
Average high and low temperatures by month and average precipitation are
set out below:
Month | Avg. High | Avg. Low | Avg. Precip. |
January | 63° F | 41° F | 0.5 in |
February | 70° F | 45° F | 0.4 in |
March | 75° F | 50° F | 0.5 in |
April | 83° F | 57° F | 0.3 in |
May | 93° F | 66° F | 0.1 in |
June | 103° F | 75° F | 0.0 in |
July | 108° F | 83° F | 0.4 in |
August | 106° F | 81° F | 0.7 in |
September | 99° F | 73° F | 0.5 in |
October | 87° F | 61° F | 0.4 in |
November | 73° F | 50° F | 0.4 in |
December | 63° F | 42° F | 0.5 in |